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The Handy Man

The Handy Man

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I was recently divorced, and had been forced to move into a much smaller duplex unit. I was still paying Alimony at the time, and had been laid off from work, so finances were tight enough as it was. I’d been doing a few odd jobs as a handy man when I could as well as some gardening for a few loyal customers just to get by. In addition to that, I wrote stories in my spare time, and had done well enough with those that I’d managed to supplement my income just enough to make it worthwhile to continue writing whenever I could.

So it was that I’d been looking for a new place to live, something I could afford without digging myself in debt any deeper than I already was. I soon after found an ad in the paper advertising one-half of a duplex that was available for rent, which included lawn care and general maintenance as part of the rent, which suited me just fine as that would save me an additional expense, the only drawback being that there was no air-conditioning, unless you could classify a constantly open kitchen window as having “air” as I jokingly called it.

At forty-five years of age I wasn’t in bad shape, though the past couple of years had taken a toll on me. I could see flakes of gray beginning to sprinkle my dark hair, though not enough to get too excited or worried about it, not like I was dating or anything, because I wasn’t. Couldn’t afford to on the one hand, and didn’t really want to on the other. And though I didn’t exactly have a “gut” yet, I’d noticed a bit of a paunch that I hadn’t had before and made a mental note to do something about it long before I did.

What this all added up to however, in conjunction with my recent divorce, was a sudden fit of depression and anxiety about my “date-ability” as a recently eligible man. It had been so long since I’d been single, let alone dated, that I felt out of practice and a little inhibited around women, not that I was inhibited mine you, I wasn’t, but it had been so long since I’d even been with another woman that it was driving me crazy!

I had no idea what crazy could really be like until crazy stood in my doorway looking at me in the form of a way too sexy, way too young woman named Karen, my land-lady’s nineteen year old daughter.

As I had been humping in boxes full of my things, I had left the front door of my duplex propped open. I turned around from having set down one of these, and that’s when I saw Karen. She stood in the doorway resting against the doorframe, hands behind her back, and one leg bent at the knee, with her foot propped up resting against the frame. The way she was standing, she looked like she was posing for the front cover of one of those ‘The Girl Next Door’ magazines or something, which it just so happened I had written a few articles for, which is why she reminded me of that.

I had to admit, Karen was beautiful. But it wasn’t just her long dark hair, or the beautiful deep alluring brown eyes and gorgeous features of her face that I took in initially, it was because she was wearing the shortest pair of cut off Levi’s I had ever seen. Added to this was the tied in front man’s long-sleeved shirt she was wearing that revealed a substantial amount of tight-taut tummy muscles, and tit’s that were honestly beyond description. She was wearing the shirt unbuttoned revealing a great deal of cleavage, which did little in concealing the soft perfect twin mounds of braless flesh that were very nearly spilling out of her shirt as she stood there leaning against the door.

I could only stand there staring at her. Seeing this vision of femininity standing in my doorway was breathtaking to say the least. I thought for a moment that maybe I was dreaming, and that if I said or did anything, this luscious apparition was likely to dissolve and disappear. “Hi Neighbor! ” She said, the sound of her voice like naked flesh slipping between the sheets as she spoke. “Mother told me we had a new renter, so I thought I’d drop by and see if you needed any help moving in.”

I immediately noticed she was chewing gum. And because she was, she tended to speak slowly, like she was deliberately slowing her words in an effort to continue chewing, though it still sounded like she was having sex even as she spoke.

I could have listened to her all day. Her voice was so sultry, so excitingly sensual that I would have thought her a much more mature sounding woman. That, and what I was obviously looking at was a beautifully attractive woman, but she was young too. Way too beautiful, and way too young for me.

“Ah no. I think that pretty much just about does it,” I said, looking around the room as though I was taking inventory of everything I’d already carried in. Though the only real inventory I’d been taking had been her! “Though I appreciate the offer,” I added smiling.

Karen smiled, pushing herself forward away from the door, her magnificent breasts leading the way as she did so. “Too-da-loo’s”, I heard her say. “Catch ya later then!”

“Too-da-loo’s,” I responded back into the empty space that had only moments ago contained her apparition, feeling much like a teenage idiot as I did so, and then realized almost as quickly I hadn’t even introduced myself.


As my duplex was a split-entry, it naturally had an upstairs bedroom area.

I had finished hauling the rest of my belongings upstairs to my room. Dripping with sweat, I went over to the window to try and catch some air, any air with even a mild breeze to it would have felt good under the circumstances, and thus stood there looking down into the yard. And there she was, sunbathing in one of those cheap plastic folding lounge chairs, the kind that had those criss-crossing strips of plastic all woven together. She had changed out of her “Would you like to fuck me,” clothes, into her “Yes…I definitely want to fuck you bikini,” which was bright red, giving her an even more sultry look with that thick mane of dark hair that fell well down past her shoulders as she lay there. She had on a dark pair of sunglasses and appeared to be flipping through a magazine, which I only then glanced at. Even at this distance I could see several photos of what looked like men and women together, all naked of course, though I certainly couldn’t tell what they were doing at this distance, it was enough knowing what they were.

“Damn!” I thought to myself, wondering why she’d be looking at one of those magazines in the first place, though obviously she was, and seemed to be enjoying it as she did so, which she confirmed moments later.

I was about to turn and walk away from the window, starting to feel very much like the ‘Peeping Tom’ I now was, when her sudden movement froze me in place.

She reached behind herself, the clasp of the bikini top coming away in her hand like she’d performed some sort of sleight of hand trick, with the next thing I knew, her top being pulled away and off of her, her full firm breasts now clearly revealed, hanging down beneath her invitingly so, too invitingly so as the sudden lurch of my cock reminded me. I expected her to lie back down concealing her breasts, but she didn’t. What she did was, was to roll over instead!

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed, startling myself, and realized as I did so that my bedroom window was open. I stepped back into the room out of sight of the window, my heart beating wildly as I wondered if she had somehow managed to hear me, though at the distance from my window to the yard, I hoped not. Still…

I counted to five, slowly…then took small little baby-steps back towards the window until I could just barely see down into the yard, by now she had surprised me again, though I was half-grateful I hadn’t been standing there to see it, as by now she was entirely naked having taken off the bikini bottoms as well, which now hung playfully over one corner of the lounge chair she was laying on, her top dangling provocatively over the other one.

I had only gotten an imaginary glimpse of them earlier in the doorway, my mind already picturing the way they must have looked. I wasn’t too far off the mark either! It was obvious that Karen’s breasts were fairly large sized from what I’d seen earlier, but they seemed to be even more so as she now lay on her back with each of them fully exposed. And though they flattened out somewhat as she lay there, it was obvious by the way they did with each one still fully rounded and pointing towards the sky that she had incredibly full breasts. Her nipples were a dark tan, which is pretty much the way I’d envisioned them to be, though her areolas were a lot larger than I’d pictured them, giving each of her breasts a look as though someone had placed small dollar-sized pancake over each one.

In addition to that of course, her long sensuous legs seemed to stretch out forever, a small thin black strip of hair perfectly trimmed seemed to point downwards between her legs like a signal beacon, even more so as she suddenly bent her legs at the knee bringing the back of her lounge chair up into a half sitting position. Once again picking up the magazine, she began looking through it, though in doing so, effectively hiding her breasts from my view, though I didn’t mind as she now sat there facing me, legs even more obscenely spread with the pinkness of her pussy winking at me which even from this distance was clearly evident.

Had I known where my binoculars were packed, I’d have been tempted to retrieve them for a closer look. And it was that very thought that reminded me that what I was doing was wrong…somehow, and that I shouldn’t be standing there gawking at her the way I was, especially with a raging hard on, which I now had.

But it was like trying to pull two pieces of glued paper apart, it was damn near impossible for me to tear myself away from the window as I continued to catch periodic glimpses of her magnificent breasts as she thumbed back and forth between the dirty magazine she was reading, occasionally placing it off to the side in order to take a drink from her iced tea, or when she would raise or lower her legs, teasing me with the glimpses of that pink tender pussy flesh sitting between her legs.

I don’t know why I didn’t consider this, with Karen sitting in her chair actually facing me from below. Perhaps it was the dark sunglasses she was wearing that did it, but I realized that it might be very possible for her to look up and discover me standing there, if she hadn’t already! Once again I decided to back away from the window, when catching the movement of her hand as it suddenly fell down between her legs, likewise the magazine she’d been holding tossed casually off to one side. Once again frozen in place, I saw her hand, and fingers begin petting herself, languidly stroking her sex obviously beginning to masturbate!

“Fuck me!” I exclaimed, once again forgetting about the open window, though unlike before, I continued to stand there gazing down at her, it was simply too tempting, and too horny not too! Karen was obviously now playing with herself, her fingers worming around inside her split, one hand now cupping a breast as she held it, toyed with it, and periodically pinched or pulled her hard extended nipples between her fingers. I felt a surge of goose bumps suddenly race up and down my arms as though someone was standing behind me, so much so that I actually turned half expecting to see Pauline standing there when I did, “Alright asshole, get your shit together and move out of here!” I imagined her saying having caught me spying on her daughter, cock in hand, which it now was. “Stupid fool!” I said to myself, though relieved that Pauline hadn’t been standing there when I’d turned around. I was now more determined than ever to walk away from the window, just as Karen stood. She had obviously heard something, and I fully expected to see her sprint from the chair back inside the house, she didn’t though, though she appeared to be waiting for something, or for someone, which as it turned out happened to be Pauline as she emerged a few moments later from around the side of the house carrying two large overfull grocery bags. Karen quickly retrieved one of them from her mother, who said nothing, nor made any comment about Karen’s nudity, so obviously it wasn’t something too upsetting, and no doubt something she was fully aware of as she handed her daughter one of the sacks and then began leading her back inside the house.

Pauline disappeared inside with Karen behind her, turning, the bag of groceries cradled in one arm as she extended her hand. I thought for a moment she was reaching out to close the door, which she did, but not before giving me a brief friendly little wave first, looking up in my direction before stepping inside a moment later disappearing from view.

“Holy fucking shit!” I exclaimed once again, finding myself stumbling backwards hitting the edge of the bed which caused me to sit down, collapsing upon it, my cock already trying to find a place to hide as it withered away back inside my pants as though seeking escape. “Had she seen me?” I wondered, “Or had she only been guessing I was there?” I had no way of really knowing one way or the other, but at least I was aware of the fact that at that angle, and with the window certainly being high enough, there was no way she could have seen me standing there with my dick out, at least that much I was certain of. But it was still bad enough as it was.

I don’t know how long I sat there on the edge of the bed before I finally screwed up enough courage to go back downstairs, but I almost wished that I hadn’t. I was heading towards the kitchen, intent on grabbing a beer from the fridge in an effort to calm my nerves when I looked up just in time to see Pauline standing at my back door, just getting ready to knock. She had two beers in her hand, which she now held up showing me, smiling as she did and as I entered the room.

“Ah, Hi!” I said somewhat surprised to see her standing there.

“Hi!” she responded back, care if I come in?”

“Ah no…not at all,” I responded, quickly looking down at my crotch to make sure there wasn’t any evidence remaining there to give me away, like a wet spot for one, or a too noticeable bulge for another, though by now my prick had all but turned inside out with the fear of having been discovered.

“Just got back from grocery shopping,” she told me. “Thought you might like to take a little break from moving in and enjoy a nice cold beer, especially as hot as it is,” she added holding one of the beers out towards me with one hand, and placing the other cold beer against her face with the other. “Too fucking hot!”

“Yes, yes it is,” I agreed accepting the beer. “And I’ll see what I can do about getting that swamp cooler fixed as soon as possible,” I said, reminding her that I had remembered to do something about it as soon as I’d moved in.

“I think we’ll all appreciate that,” she said nodding her head, “it will certainly be nice having someone handy around the place to do things like that for us again, both Karen and I have missed having someone who could take care of things for us,” she told me.

Maybe it was my over active imagination running wild at the moment, but I detected a hint of something else in her tone of voice as she said that. Even the bemused smile on her face said she’d meant something else entirely, as she now trickled a small dollop of the ice-cold beer down the front of her blouse between her breasts as she stood there.

“Not exactly a waste of good beer,” she said grinning. “Feels wonderful actually, especially in this heat! Half tempted to run around the house the way that Karen does, but would be afraid of offending the neighbors if I did. I’m sure most of them don’t mind seeing her running around like that, but not sure they’d appreciate it as much if I were to do it!”

There was only one other neighbor that I could think of that might be able to see into the backyard, but he’d have to be standing on a ladder or something in order to do so, or purposely peeking through the fence as there weren’t any upstairs windows facing into the backyard as I recalled.

“No offence here,” I told her. “And besides, it’s your place anyway, you can do whatever the hell you want to as far as I’m concerned.” Pauline smiled at that, taking a sip of her drink before crossing over to sit down at the kitchen table. “May I?” she asked.

“Be my guest,” I said taking a seat across from her, sitting down myself then taking a nice long pull from the bottle.

“I know you’ve probably still got a lot to do yet, but wanted to come over and invite you to dinner later, thought you might like that since then you wouldn’t have to worry about going out to the store, or fixing anything,” she added. “Actually, I was just going to order a pizza,” I told her honestly.

“You like Italian?” She asked, “I know that pizza’s sort of Italian, but I’m talking some home-made Ravioli and sauce that I put up and bottled for it earlier. So, how’d you like to come over for dinner later?”

The thought of that sounded wonderful. It had been a long time since I’d actually had a good home-cooked meal. “Sounds great! You drink wine?”

“Already picked some up, but you can bring some for next time if you’d like, next time you go shopping. So no…just bring yourself. Oh, and since it’s so hot outside, I thought we’d just set up the patio table and eat out there, say around seven-thirty, eight?”

“Sounds good!”

“Great! Oh, and I’ll make sure Karen puts something on, hate to embarrass you or the neighbors with her running around naked most of the time, unless you’d prefer that,” she winked suddenly standing.

My mouth had gone dry however, and words failed me, so I merely smiled with a confused expression on my face I am sure, not quite knowing how to take her last comment. Was she indeed aware that I’d been looking at her daughter while she’d been laying out? Had Karen told her I had? Or was she like Karen just guessing I had been? Either way, it didn’t make any difference as I stood watching Pauline cross the yard back to their side of the duplex without looking back and seeing the expression on my face as I stood there.


She might just as well have been naked for all the good her red bikini did, which is what she’d obviously put back on again and was now wearing, though Pauline wasn’t wearing much more than that either, though she looked damn good in her own right, in a tight fitting pair of tennis shorts along with a light blue halter top that barely covered her own goodly-sized breasts. “Hope you’re hungry Matt,” Pauline told me as the two of them carried out what looked like to be a feast the way I saw it. Two feasts actually, one of food, and one of flesh, each one I was half-starved for sampling, though I cautioned myself against doing so.

“You look hot,” Karen said sitting down. “Go ahead, unbutton your shirt if you’d like to,” she told me, “or even take it off if you’d prefer, we’re not exactly being formal here you know.”

I was wearing a loose-fitting Hawaiian shirt, which was about the coolest as well as cleanest thing that I owned at the moment. “Thanks,” I said unbuttoning it at least, though I wasn’t about to take it off either. Though I was again half expecting Karen to remove hers as I sat there thinking about it, and then as though Pauline had been reading my mind, she commented herself.

“It was all I could do to get Karen to put her bikini back on,” she said laughing, “told her until we’d at least gotten to know one another a little better, might be a bit more polite before we start lounging around in the nude in front of one another.”

I kept my eyes focused on the dish of Ravioli’s as I spooned some onto my plate, giving me the excuse of not looking at them as I responded to her last statement. I still wasn’t sure if the two of them were bull-shitting me half the time or not. “Well like I said, it’s your place and as far as I’m concerned, what you do in the privacy of your own home, inside or out is your business and not anybody else’s!”

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